Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Twitter Guide to Thousands of Followers

Hi I’ve been on Twitter for a while but I haven’t been really into it until recently. I will now tell you the secrets I used to build my account up to 57,000 followers and how you can do it, too! I’ve been searching online for different ways of gaining followers and now I will give you the best methods I’ve found.
Following these steps you’ll be able to gain thousands of followers who will interact with you. Check out my account for proof @iStanislav.

To begin with, you should take a look at your profile. Update your bio and profile picture and also your background. If your profile looks clean, simple and professional you’ll be able to gain much more followers. For example, don’t use a default background but go and find a good one that fits you instead.
I will start with the software. The program you need is called Tweet Adder. You can try it for free for some time but I highly recommend you buying it.

It has many great features but the main thing is that it automates everything you do on Twitter like following, posting tweets and much more! You can use it to store tweets that you can set up to tweet every 20 minutes for example or you can use it to automatically follow users. You can search for users by specific keyword or based on their location. This is how you can find some quality users who have the same interests as yours and will probably interact with you. You can even manage multiple accounts using this program! Tweet Adder is easy to use and it’s completely safe! I recommend you following no more than 400-500 people a day. You should find people who have a similar number of followers and people they’re following as they probably follow back everyone that follows them so use this program to follow their followers and that’s how you gain a lot of followers fast.

This program is the best one I’ve discovered. Here are some alternatives:
This is a professional Twitter marketing tool that allows you to build flourishing Twitter accounts with thousands of niche specific followers. Each member can choose how many Twitter accounts to run and upgrade to more at anytime.

You can start with just 1 Twitter account. Each one will: Get suggestions on following niche specific Twitter users. Remove unwanted Twitter users from your account. Make interesting and informative Tweets (Twitter messages) to ensure Followers stay Followers. Auto welcome users who start Following you. And many more options available!

Exclusive? Well.. AutoTweeting ONLY allows a set number of people to became members and they have said that there will be no guarantee that Autotweeting will be open for new subscribers forever
This is a simple collection of Twitter tools: Geeky Follow, Flush, Reciprocate and Cleanup - as well as more to come...

Tweepi Flush - gives you a list of all the users you follow whom do not follow you back, with stats about each! Geeky Reciprocate - a simple utility for quickly following tweeps that follow you but you don't follow you back, with stats! Geeky Clean-up enables you to filter out those inactive and unwanted tweeps by letting you check out their details and decide for yourself! Undesirable people are following you? Nasty avatars appearing on your 'Followers' list? You can use Tweepi's Force Unfollow tool to filter these people out and force them to unfollow you.
If you find that you are spending a lot of time trying to figure out who to follow back when someone follows you, sign-up for the online app SocialOomph . Among other things, TweetLater allows you to (as the name implies) schedule tweets for later posting, but also what they call Vetting Followers. By setting your account to auto-follow but also vet followers, TweetLater will hold your new followers for 72 hours for your review to either follow, ignore, or block.

Here’re some other websites you can use that will help you grow your audience.
It is free and easy to use and once you’ve registered you have to choose 5 interests you tweet about. Then you can get seeds for following people and you can use those seeds to give them back to someone to follow you.

Another great website you can use is called
JustUnfollow lets you unfollow those not following you back. You can also find Twitter users who haven't tweeted in a long time and unfollow them. Why follow someone who is clearly not going to see your tweets? JustUnfollow them!

I also recommend you a website called
It helps you analyze your social media accounts and you can use it to grow your audience. It shows you all kind of stats including people who retweet and mention you. Using this website you can find out which of your tweets get retweeted the most and what your followers are mostly interested in. is another great website to find people who don’t follow you back. You can filter them by different categories and unfollow them. is another website for twitter stats. You can use it to see how many followers you’re gaining or how many rt’s and mentions you have.

Here’s another good website you can use -
Twylah brings your brand message into focus, extends the life of your tweets, and helps you get discovered beyond Twitter.
Automatically organized by your trending topics, Twylah pages show the world who you are and what you're about at a glance.
Your Twylah page is search engine optimized. Give your tweets greater exposure and a significantly longer life.
Host your Twylah pages on your domain and own the content and traffic. is another website for stats. It gives you suggestions for who you should follow and who the top 100 Twitter users are.
Twellow makes it easy to find Twitter followers! You can add yourself to lists and search for people using the categories.
s a similar website to the previous one for searching for users with the same interests as yours.
Twitter Directory with Social Listings - Grow your Social Media Presence Today
That’s a Twitter business portal, featuring of 38,986 businesses who are on Twitter, covering 1,000's of topics.
Twibs was created by a small group of people with one purpose:
Give twitter users a place to find businesses on twitter.

Two great websites for getting followers!

Here’s the best website I’ve found for scheduling tweets –
It’s free and you can schedule as many tweets as you want. I highly recommend it!

Make sure that you put your twitter link everywhere – your website, blog and other social media websites. If you upload videos put it in the description and mention your username in the video. You can also put your twitter link in emails. Use @username and put it everywhere you can including business cards, photos, etc. Also, tell your friends and colleagues about your Twitter profile.

Create a QR code
As these codes are gaining popularity it’s a good idea to create one and put it on as many places as possible.

Advertise on Twitter
That’s a very effective way to boost your popularity on twitter and promote your tweets and content.

Run a contest
That’s another great way to gain followers quickly. Offer a good prize, maybe ask people to retweet one of your messages and promote your contest. Offer different prizes and keep followers updated to how the giveaway is going.

Guest Blogging
If you get the opportunity to write an article for a blog make sure you include your twitter link in it. That way people that liked the article can find your profile and follow you and engage with you in the future

If you own a blog you can add your twitter link in every post you make or even post about your twitter account, what you do or what recently happened – for example, you recently hit a big milestone.

If you’re doing a presentation it’s a good idea to include your twitter link at the end. That way, people will easily find more about you or the topic you discussed right after they’ve seen your presentation. They could even ask you a few questions or congratulate you for the good presentation.

Radio and newspaper interview
If you are giving an interview you should mention your twitter username a few times and probably tell people they can ask you questions there or you can use it to promote your contest. You can also tell people they can get the latest updates on your product on Twitter.

Learn from others
Make sure you take a look at what the most popular people in your field are tweeting about. See what type of news and content they post. Also, check out when they tweet. I will mention that later again but you should tweet when people are most active so you should learn from those who have the most followers.

Tweet interesting things
Post tweets that are unique and fresh that will catch the attention of your followers. Make sure your tweets are engaging and relevant and that they include some new content. Also, remember to include a link in your tweet as this will get you more traffic and attention to your message. Tweet things that happen right now or will happen in the future as they engage more people. Also remember to keep your tweets clean and short! You don’t have to use all the space but what you’re looking for is a nice catchy headline to get your message out!

Use #hashtags
Hashtags are a great way to stand out and make your content unique and interesting. You can either participate in topics that are trending so that other can find you or create a new hashtag that promotes your business or product. For example, if you have a pogram you want to sell you can use a hashtag like #bestprogramever. Every time you post something about your product you can use that hashtag. A huge benefit from doing this is that if you get a lot of RT’s your topic could gettrending and even more people would see your message.

Ask your followers to RT
This is an overlooked technique but if you ask your followers to RT your tweet then you will again many more RT’s and that’s how you’ll gain more attention. Especially if your tweet is about a huge update or something new you’ve released ask your followers to RT it but don’t overuse that method, either.

Use lists
I also suggest you creating lists of people you’re interested in and with who you want to interact. That’s the best way to keep up with what they’re posting. You can create lists for different areas like business, personal, etc.

Participate it in #FF #FollowFriday as this is a great way to thank your followers and get some more! Just add as many users as you want and post your tweet. Most people will do the same!

Also, it’s important to interact with your followers. Reply to them, answer their questions or just thank them for their support. They’ll really appreciate it and that’s why they will continue to interact with you – RT and mention you. You should RT at least 1-2 messages a day that could be interesting to your followers.
You can also RT or mention famous people and celebrities as some of them will reply back to you.

When to tweet
From what I’ve seen and read the best times to tweet are at 1 and 5 PM as most people are active then but you should pay attention to when your followers tweet so you can share your content with them at the right time. Here’s a detailed article you should read about the best times to tweet.
The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Time to Tweet -

Don’t forget that having thousands of followers that don’t interact with you is less useful than having just 100 followers who mention you and RT your tweets.

Stay up-to-date with the world and the news and tweet relevant stuff.
For example, here are some good websites that provide the latest news:

Check out their articles and RT them to your followers.

And here’s a list of some of my tweets that you can use:

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